Union of Rwandan Journalists in Exile (UJRE) Following the Publication ofthe Report “Rwanda Classified: Inside the Repressive Machinery of Paul Kagame’s Regime”

On May 28, 2024, the report entitled “Rwanda Classified: Inside the Repressive Machinery of Paul
Kagame’s Regime” was published by Forbidden Stories, with the help of a consortium of 50 journalists
representing 17 media outlets from 11 different countries.
The Union of Rwandan Journalists in Exile (UJRE) welcomes this remarkable investigation that sheds
light on the systemic violation of human rights by the Rwandan authorities. We are particularly moved by
the tribute paid to our late colleague, John Williams Ntwali, a brave investigative journalist who, in spite
of numerous obstacles, never stopped practicing journalism with dedication and professionalism,
enduring intimidation and attempts by the Rwandan government to silence him and muzzle independent
This initiative supports our recent call to several competent institutions to demand an international and
independent investigation into the murder of our colleague John Williams Ntwali which the government
unsuccessfully tried to disguise into a traffic accident.
We reiterate our full support for this initiative and encourage all involved parties not to succumb to the
intimidation ploys of the Kigali regime. We advocate for continued promotion of values that empower us
as journalists, to defend and uphold freedom of expression and to make available to the general public,
unbiased information material.
Rwanda is about to enter into yet another rigged electoral process in July 2024. As has been the case in

past fake electoral exercises, it is feared fresh human rights violations targeting journalists and suspected
human rights activists will experience hardship including beatings, arbitrary detention and assassinations
at the hands of operatives of the Rwandan ruling party, led by President Kagame. We therefore call on the
international community to let the Rwandan General President Paul Kagame know, in no uncertain terms,
that he is being watched. This could act as deterrence against the occurrence of regime-led or condoned
acts of violence against people suspected to be advocates of free and fair elections as a means to express
the free will of the population and an opportunity for people participation in their governance.
Union of Rwandan Journalists in Exile (UJRE),
Tharcisse Semana

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